Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Hunter by: Ellerysen

   I chose to create the outfit for the hunter in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I had an idea of what type of look I wanted for it, but it took quite awhile to come up with a top for the outfit. In the end I decided with the Disused Robe of the Dunland Soothsayer, a favorite Dunland quest reward of mine. The rest of it sort of followed the leggings and chest piece. Enjoy!

Character Credentials: Race of Man - Female - Hunter

Head: Rhagor-helm, dyed Umber (Isengard Instance)
Shoulders: Fine Grey Company Wrap, dyed Olive (Vol. III Book 5 Reward, cosmetic)
Chest: Disused Robe of the Dunland Soothsayer, dyed Olive (Dunland Quest Reward)
Hands: Fingerless Gloves, dyed Umber (Yule Festival Reward -Help the Poor)
Leggings: Highwayman Leggings, dyed Rivendell Green (Dropped by Dushkâl and Gríshakrum at Urugarth)
Boots: Disused Boots of the Dunland Soothsayer, dyed Umber (Dunland Quest Reward)
Cloak: Cloak of the Mountain Wolves, dyed umber (LOTRO Store)

If anyone is interested in what Granny was wearing:

Head: Wide-Brimmed Spring Hat, dyed Rose (Spring Festival 2012 barter)
Chest: Simbelmyne Dress, dyed Rose (Spring Festival 2012 barter)

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